
A warm welcome to Ngabwe Town Council website, a platform created to give you, our valued and esteemed public the opportunity to interact with us, as well as to ensure that information on services and opportunities available in Ngabwe is made accessible to you, the general public.

Ngabwe was declared and given a District status in 2013 by Government. The District is located in the North Western part of Central Province approximately 143 Kilometers from Kabwe, the provincial capital of Central Province.

It is bordered by Mpongwe to the North, Chibombo to the South, Kasempa to the West, Mumbwa to the South West and Kapiri Mposhi to the East. The District can also be accessed through Mpongwe District, which is 90 Kilometres to Ngabwe.

The District is endowed with plenty of valuable and rich natural resources.

Our goal is to serve the people of Ngabwe District as well as to guide the efficient and sustainable utilization of resources whilst uplifting the living standards of the people of Ngabwe.

We endeavour to ensure that the services offered speak to the needs of the people, and are anchored in a culture of inclusivity.

Through this platform, members of the public will have access to the latest information pertaining to the district which will include reports, latest news, announcements, plans, and other relevant information.