Functions of Local Authorities (Councils)
The Council derives its mandate from the Local Government Act which lists the following as overall functions of Local Authorities:
• Maintain law and order and effective administration of Local Authorities to ensure national security;
• Control the keeping and movement of livestock, slaughtering of animals, sale of meat and enforce the disposal of diseased animals carcasses or meat which is unfit for human consumption;
• Take measures for storage, market and preservation of agricultural produce and prevention of agricultural produce, conservation of natural resources and prevention of soil erosion;
• Control the manufacture, storage, sale and use of petroleum, fireworks gas and other combustible or dangerous substance;
• Construct and maintain public roads, streets, sanitary lanes, bridges and water courses and remove all obstacles thereof;
• Establish and maintain sanitation and drainage systems to facilitate the removal of refuse and effluent;
• Provide for the registration of births, marriage, deaths, clubs and enumeration of persons or property connected with the administration of Council areas;
• Establish and maintain colleges, schools and day nurseries;
• Prepare and administer schemes for community participation in development;
• Establish and maintain a system of street lighting and in public places;
• Establish and maintain firefighting and prevention services in order to protect life, property and natural resources from damage by fire;
• Control persons and premises engaged in manufacturing, preparations, storage handling, sale or distribution of food or drink including intoxicating substances;
• Prohibit and control the use of land and erection of buildings in the interest of public health, safely and orderly development of the Council area;
• Demolish or remove buildings which are a danger to public health or safety and do not conform to plans and specifications approved by the Councils;
• Establish and maintain public amenities such as parks, zoos, gardens, pleasure grounds, camping grounds, caravan sites and an open spaces;
• Establish and maintain hospitals, clinics, health centers and environmental and health services; and
• Establish and maintain cemeteries, crematoria, and mortuaries and provide for the burial of the dead and destitute persons who die in the area of the Council.
(i) Local Councils are already doing tremendous work in the provision of public services and enhancing social and economic development to the local communities in the respective district boundaries.
(ii) Levels of capabilities differ from one Council to another owing to different levels of development and status. The financial strength of the Lusaka City Council cannot be compared to that of a small district like say Kafue, or Chongwe.
(iii) Provision of services largely depends on the balance of Estimates of Income over expenditure, meaning that each Council can only spend as much as it earns in terms of service delivery.
(iv) The Decentralization Policy assures that Local communities will be empowered by devolving decision making authority, functions and matching resources from the centre to the lowest level in order to improve efficient and effectiveness in the delivery of services.
(i) This depends on sources of income for each Council, and the type.
(ii) Some smaller Council have a smaller annual budget of say K2.2 billion, which is far below a monthly salary wage bill for Lusaka City Council.
(iii) District Councils, in addition to their local resources, receive annual grants from the centre to fund capital projects. Bigger Councils (Cities) are encouraged to generate own income from local sources of income such as property rates.
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